VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[W]


gaming console-游戏控制台

workforce (n)劳动力,the group of people who work in a company, industry, country, etc.:
E.g.: The majority of factories in the region have a workforce of 50 to 100 (people).

unimpressive (adj)-不很好的,ordinary; not special in any way
E.g.: His academic record was unimpressive.他的学业成绩平平。

dependent (adj): 1-needing the support of something or someone in order to continue existing or operating:
E.g.: He is dependent on his father for support.

crack (v):to break something so that it does not separate, but very thin lines appear on its surface, or to become broken in this way:
E.g.: A stone hit the window and cracked the glass.
E.g.:I cracked my tooth as I fell.

the window cracked-窗户裂了

pocket money (n)-零用钱,allowance an amount of money that parents regularly give to their child to spend as they choose:
E.g.: My dad gives me £5 a week pocket money.

twice a month I get 20 RMB

Writing exercise

Why do you want to come to the UK to study?

Well, The Uk is a great country, especially there are many excellent universities. I really want to learn more holedge in the Uk.
Besides couture in the UK is very attractive to me , the Royal living style, The British English accent and the history are all fascinating. I want to feel and experience them. first.
Ican learn the genuine English in your school.

There are abundant extra-curriculum in your school. I’m very interested in those curriculum. I want to enjoy them and learn knowledge from them.

Your school is very famous al lover the UK so I want to study in your school.

What is your favorite subject and why?

Well, my favorite subject is chemistry. I have two reasons, first my father was a scientist before and I could always observe him doing experiments. When I  was very young. From than I have got interested in chemistry.


I’m lucky that I have a great chemistry teacher in our school. His name is Cui Pu whose teaching style is very humorous. No matter when we see him or no matter what his doing smile is always on his face

So I like chemistry very much

Why do you want to come to the UK to study?
Well, The Uk is a great country, also there are many excellent universities. I really want to learn more holedge in the Uk. Besides Uk’s culture is very attractive to me also the Royal living style, The British English accent and the history are all fascinating. I want to feel and experience them.
first.  I can learn the genuine English in your school.
second.  There are abundant extra-curriculum activities in your school. I’m very interested in those activities I want to enjoy them and gain a lot of  knowledge from them.
third.Your school is very famous all  over the UK so that’s one of the reasons why I want to study in your school.
What is your favorite subject and why?
my favorite subject is chemistry. I have two reasons, first reason is that my father was a scientist before and I was always allowed to observe him doing experiments. Ever since those times I’ve been interested in chemistry.
second. I’m lucky that I got a great chemistry teacher in our school. His name is Cui Pu and his teaching style is very humorous. No matter when we see him and no matter what he is doing, smile is always on his face.  I like chemistry very much