VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[W]

Writing exercise

When I was young, my favorite kind of game was make up game. During every game, I needed to plaster make up on my girl’s face, in that I could make her as the belle of the ball. I was really interested in those games. The games satisfied my curiosity of cosmetics, and also developed my aesthetic feeling.

When I was younger, my favorite kind of a game was a make up game. During each play, I needed to plaster make up on my girl’s face, that way I was able to make her as the belle of the ball. I was really interested in playing those games. The games satisfied my curiosity of cosmetics, and also developed my aesthetic feeling.


a little bit-to some extent
To some extent, she was responsible for the accident.

I always try to look my best
3 Ways to Look Your Best Every Day

concealer (n)-遮瑕膏
E.g.: Carry a touch-up kit with concealer, pressed powder, lipstick or gloss, lip liner and tissues.

subtle (adj):not loud, bright, noticeable, or obvious in any way
E.g.: The room was painted a subtle shade of pink.
E.g.: The play’s message is perhaps too subtle to be understood by young children.

copycat (n): someone who has few ideas of their own and does or says exactly the same as someone else
E.g.: You’re just a copycat!

trend (n): a new development in clothing, make-up, etc.
E.g.: Whatever the latest fashion trend, you can be sure Nicki will be wearing it.
E.g.: The trend at the moment is for a more natural and less made-up look.

it’s very popular AMONG my friends

bangs (n): an area of hair hanging over the forehead (= part of the face above the eyes) that is cut shorter than the rest of the hair

selfie (n): a photograph that you take of yourself , usually with a mobile phone. Selfies are often published using social media.
E.g.: He posted a series of close-up selfies on his Instagram yesterday.
E.g.: To take a selfie.

fashionable (adj): popular at a particular time
E.g.:a fashionable nightclub/restaurant
E.g.:fashionable ideas/clothes
E.g.:It’s not fashionable to wear short skirts at the moment.

polka dot (n): one of a large number of small, round spots that are printed in a regular pattern on cloth
E.g.: a shocking pink dress with white polka dots
E.g.: a polka-dot bikini/bow tie

mullet (n): a men’s hairstyle, popular in the 1980s, in which the hair on top and at the sides of the head is short and the hair at the back is long

button-up (n): a shirt or jacket that fastens with a row of buttons up the front:
E.g.: He was looking elegant in nicely fitting jeans, a black button-up, and a slim-cut black blazer.

blazer (n): a type of formal jacket that is a different colour from the trousers or skirt that are worn with it. In the UK a blazer often has the symbol of a school or organization sewn on the front pocket and is worn as part of a uniform:
E.g.: my new/old school blazer