VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[W]

Writing exercise

I find that the biggest pitfall for the people around me is the balance between work and life. One of my female colleagues has two babies now. During her first pregnancy, she worked only for four months and took holiday for almost one year. A few months after she came back to work, she became pregnant again. Although she has returned to work last month, she still needs to feed her baby with breast milk now. She is a good mother but may not be a good employee.

I find that the biggest pitfall for the people around me is to find the (right) balance between work and life. One of my female colleagues has two babies now. During her first pregnancy, she worked only for four months and took unpaid leave for almost a year. A few months after/later she came back to work, but she became pregnant again. Although she has returned to work last month, she still needs to breastfeed her baby with breast milk now. She is a good mother but may not/can’t be a good employee.


unpaid leave-无薪休假
E.g.: He’s taken unpaid leave.


breastfeed (v):When a mother breastfeeds her baby, she feeds it with milk directly from her breasts rather than with artificial or cow’s milk from a bottle.母乳喂养

maternity leave (n):a period in which a woman is legally allowed to be absent from work in the weeks before and after she gives birth产假

the public sector (n):businesses and industries that are owned or controlled by the government
E.g.: Most doctors work in the public sector.
E.g.: public sector workers such as nurses or teachers

the private sector (n):businesses and industries that are not owned or controlled by the government
E.g.: 60 percent of recent graduates are working in the private sector.
E.g.: private sector employers

prevalent (adj):existing very commonly or happening often
E.g.: These diseases are more prevalent among young children.
E.g.: Trees are dying in areas where acid rain is most prevalent.
E.g.: Is this opinion more prevalent among female or male employees?

social welfare (n):services provided by the government or private organizations to help poor, ill, or old people社会福利

ketchup (n):a thick, cold, red sauce made from tomatoes
E.g.: Do you want some ketchup with your burger?