VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[W]

Writing exercise

A Dinosaur story
Here’s a story about dinosaurs. Little foot is a tanystopheus. It has four good friends, friends help The Little FOot to find grand canyon. They are all very happy, but on the road they encounter the pointed teeth, they are very scared. Last, they find the grand canyon, and little foot  and it friend find they mother, father, brother and sister.

Here’s a story about dinosaurs. Little foot is a Apatosaurus. He has four good friends, these friends help The Little Foot to find The grand canyon. They are all very happy, but on the way there they encounter the pointed teeth, they are very scared. Last, they find the grand canyon, and little foot  and his friends find their mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters./families


asteroid (n):one of many large rocks that circle the sun
E.g.: 65 million years ago an asteroid hit Earth and killed the dinosaurs

crater(n):坑 ,a large hole in the ground caused by the explosion of a bomb or by sth large hitting it
E.g.: a meteorite crater  陨石坑

hit (v): 击,打
E.g.: A stone hit the window and broke the glass.

earthquake (n):a sudden violent movement of the earth’s surface, sometimes causing great damage
E.g.: The earthquake caused many buildings to collapse.地震使许多建筑物倾倒。
E.g.: Underwater earthquakes sometimes can cause a tsunami.

wave (n):海浪;波浪;波涛 a  line of water that moves across  the sea, ocean, etc.
Huge waves were breaking on the shore.-巨浪拍打着海岸。

tsunami (n):海啸
tsunami is a very large wave, often caused by an earthquake, that flows onto the land and destroys things.