VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[W]


hypothetical (adj):imagined or suggested but not necessarily real or true:
a hypothetical example/situation
E.g.: This is all very hypothetical but supposing Jackie got the job, how would that affect you?

take place-to happen:
E.g.: The concert takes place next Thursday.

unify (v):统一;使成一体;使一元化
to join people, things, parts of a country, etc. together so that they form a single unit
E.g.: The new leader hopes to unify the country.新领袖希望把国家统一起来。
E.g.: the task of unifying Europe统一欧洲的大业

self proclaimed-自称

divide et impera-分而治之-divide and rule

quote V):to repeat the words that someone else has said or written
E.g.: He’s always quoting from the Bible.
E.g.: “If they’re flexible, we’re flexible”, the official was quoted as saying.

paraphrase (v): to repeat something written or spoken using different words, often in a humorous form or in a simpler and shorter form that makes the original meaning clearer
E.g.: Let me paraphrase him,there’s no place like home.

Writing exercise

I love the period of Japanese history which was during the 1467-1615. There had so many famous heroes、dukes、Kings in that time. They had some totally different goal, such as occupied the Japan or some region of the Japan, to be a general of Japan to lead the all of the dukes
So they used conspiracy, letted some trap, sow discord, even made some wired marriage. for example ask brother-in-law to divorce with her young sister, then ask her got marry with his general. He want to through this way to increase the truth each other.
One of dukes in that period is my best love , he named Tokugawa ieyasu. His father was killed when he was a child, so he had to stay in other dukes as a hostage. He never wasted time, everyday he trying to learn new skills and accumulated experience. he said, I didn’t want to be a famous person, but I wanted to finished the war within the whole Japan , because the war is so cruel. They didn’t want anyone to be death.
with the goal, he grew up to a real dukes and reach his goal finally
Most point. The Tokyo was found by he. May be all of the people of Tokyo should to showed thankful to he.

I love a period of Japanese history which took place between the 1467-1615. There were so many famous heroes、dukes、Kings during that period. They had some totally different goals, such as unifying the Japan by conquering all of the regions of the Japan, to become an ultimate ruler of all of Japan.
So they used conspiracy, laid some traps, sow discord, even made some arranged marriages. For example, someone would  ask a brother-in-law to divorce with her/his younger sister, then ask her to marry with his general. He wanted that through this way to increase the trust in each other.
One of dukes of that period is my favorite , he was called Tokugawa ieyasu. His father was killed when he was a child, so he had to stay at other duke‘s as a hostage. He never wasted his time, everyday he was trying to learn new skills and accumulated experience. He said that he didn’t want to be a famous person, but that he wanted to finished the war within the whole /entire Japan , because the war is so cruel. They didn’t want anyone to be dead.
He fulfilled his dreams and he became the ruler of the entire Japan.
Key point. The Tokyo was founded by him. I believe that all of the people of Tokyo should be thankful to him.

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