VIP Class Notes (Nemo) [S/W]

Speaking exercise

I watched a movie named “Gojira” with my friend last weekend. I like this kind of movie which has big frighting fields. After watching movie, we rode to Wukang Building. It is a famous and historical building. There are three roads cross here. We took a photo for the building across the road.

I watched a movie named “Godzilla” with my friend last weekend. I like this kind of movie which has big fighting scenes. After watching/seeing the movie, we rode to The Wukang Mansion/Building. It is a famous and a historical building. There are three roads converge  here/right in front of the building . We took a photo of the building from across the road.



converge (v):If lines, roads, or paths converge, they move towards the same point where they join or meet.(几条线或道路)会合,交会,汇合
E.g.: The paths all converge at the main gate of the park.
E.g.: Due to roadworks, three lanes of traffic have to converge into two.

mansion (n): 1-a very large, expensive house大厦;大楼;豪宅
E.g.: The street is lined with enormous mansions where the rich and famous live.

The South Pole-the point on the earth’s surface that is furthest south/
the Antarctic -/ænˈtɑːrk.tɪk/
The North Pole-北极 Arctic- /ˈɑːrk.tɪk/

sequel (n):a book, film, or play that continues the story of a previous book, etc.(书、电影或戏剧的)续篇,续集
E.g.: I’m reading the sequel to “Gone with the Wind”.

tourist attraction
We made a deal

first name-名字
second name/ surname-

东北 North-East


They were lost in the desert for nine days.

For dessert there’s apple pie or fruit.


Watch a Movie vs See a Movie

We watched a movie yesterday.
This would imply we watched a movie at home (TV/DVD…)

We saw a movie yesterday.
This would imply that we did so by going to a movie theater.
We can also explicitly say that we went to the movie theater and watched Ice Age.