VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[W]

Writing exercise

I find the recommendations on some travel apps, such small red book. People can share their experiences on it. I will go to Hongkong with my cousin in dragon boat festival next month. So I type “Hongkong ” and search it. Then I can get many notes, not only for shopping, but also for eating. Hongkong restaurants have their special style. I want to try them and confirm whether it is delicious.

I find the recommendations on some travel apps, such as 小红书. People can share their experiences on this platform. I will go to Hongkong with my cousin during/for The dragon boat festival next month. So I typed “Hongkong ” and hit the search button. that way I can get many recommendations, not only for shopping, but also eating. Hongkong restaurants have their special style/specialities . I want to try them and confirm whether it is delicious or not.


specialty -特产;特色菜a product that is extremely good in a particular place:
E.g.: Oysters are a local speciality/a speciality of the area.
E.g.: Paella is a speciality of the house (= a food that is unusually good in a particular restaurant).这房子的特色菜

Milk Tea-奶茶


pork (n): 1-meat from a pig, eaten as food猪肉
E.g.: a pork chop
E.g.: pork sausages
E.g.: I much prefer chicken to beef or pork.

I asked for a day off-我请了一天假

day off-a day when you do not have to work or do something that you normally do
E.g.: I won’t be in on Thursday – it’s my day off.
E.g.: She’s taking three days off next week.

高考 College entrance examination/exam

young younger youngest
E.g.: I’m the youngest in my family

connotation (n): 1-含义;隐含意义
an idea suggested by a word in addition to its main meaning
E.g.: The word ‘professional’ has connotations of skill and excellence.


E.g.: negative connotation-贬义

disapproving (adj):showing that you feel something or someone is bad or wrong
E.g.: a disapproving look
E.g.: His voice was disapproving.他的声音里充满了不赞成。

disapprove (v):to feel that something or someone is bad, wrong, etc.反对;不赞成
E.g.: I strongly disapprove of underage drinking.