VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[W]


secluded (adj): 1-quiet, private, and not near people, roads, or buildings
E.g. : a secluded beach
E.g. : a secluded house in the forest


sweetheart (n) a boyfriend or girlfriend
E.g.: She eventually married her childhood sweetheart.

not be set/carved in stone-to be able to be changed
E.g.: These are just a few ideas – nothing is set in stone yet.


go with the flow-to do what other people are doing or to agree with other people because it is the easiest thing to do随大溜,随波逐流
E.g.: Just relax and go with the flow!

Admit (v):to agree that something is true, especially unwillingly(尤指不情愿地)承认;供认;招认
He admitted his guilt/mistake.
[ + (that) ] She admitted (that) she had made a mistake.

he never became part of my world-他从未成为我世界的一部分

Writing exercise

In my last holiday day , I decided to give myself a healthy food. So I cooked breakfast ,lunch and dinner the whole day. The interesting thing is that when you cooked and eaten by yourself, you will feel that is not wealth to do that. Because you will spend 1 more hour to cook and 10 minutes to eat, even nobody can share the taste. But if you want to enjoy the process of cooking, you can try this way for your life.

On the last day of my holiday, I decided to prepare  healthy food for myself. So, I cooked breakfast ,lunch and dinner the entire/whole day So I spent the entire day preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner. The interesting thing is that when you are cooking and eating by yourself/on your own you will feel/realize/think that it’s not worth it/the effort. Because you will spend at least an hour to cook/cooking and 10 minutes to eat the food, even/also there’s nobody to enjoy the food with/together. But if you only want to enjoy the process of cooking, you can try to live your life this way/you can give it a try/ but if you’re simply enjoying the process of cooking then this way of living is the right way for you