VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[W]

Writing exercise

I got married after I was pregnant, Shortly after marriage, the baby came to the world. I have been busy to take care of my baby. The biggest change after marriage is that there is no time for me to be alone at all.
Sometimes I want to read a book and watch TV alone.

When I was unmarried, I went out to see a movie and had coffee with my good friends on weekend and then go drinking in the evening. But now these things can’t be done very often.

But I prefer now life. My family brings me a warm feeling.

I got married after I got pregnant. Shortly after the wedding, the baby came to the world. I have been busy taking care of my baby ever since. The biggest change after getting married is that there is no time for me to be alone at all. Sometimes, I want to read a book and watch TV on my own.

Before I got married, I would go out to see a movie and have coffee with my good friends on the weekend and then go drinking in the evening. But now these things can’t be done very often.

But I prefer my  current life. My family brings me a warm feeling/a lot of joy.


joy (n): 1-great happiness
E.g.: They were filled with joy when their first child was born.

judgmental (adj): 1-too quick to criticize people
E.g. :You must try not to be so judgmental about people.

my mother’s generation is very judgmental

values [ plural ]-the beliefs people have, especially about what is right and wrong and what is most important in life, that control their behavior
E.g.: family/moral/traditional values

He’s spending the holiday with his in-laws.姻亲

friend in common /mutual friend

mutual friend (n): 1-a person who is the friend of two people who may or may not know each other
E.g.: Lynn and Phil met through a mutual friend.
E.g.: I met my husband trough a mutual friend

common(adj):1-belonging to or shared by two or more people, or things
E.g.: a common goal/interest
E.g.: I met my husband trough a common friend
Do we have any friends in common?

matchmaker (n): 1-a person who tries to arrange marriages or romantic relationships between people 媒人,红娘

No one accompanied us it was just two of us.

How did it go?-情况怎么样?

he seemed to be a sweet guy so I decided to give him another chance


pick up-to collect, or to go and get, someone or something:

E.g.: When you’re in town could you pick up the books I ordered?
E.g.: Whose turn is it to pick the children up after school?

turn to do something –an opportunity or a duty to do something at a particular time or in a particular order, before or after other people
E.g: It’s your turn to do the dishes!