VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[W]

Writing exercise

My father was a professor of psychology in an university before he retired. He focused on traffic psychology research, which involves the relationship between the traffic lights, the driving seats and the drivers etc. In addition to teaching and doing research, publishing reports in academic journals was a very important part of his job. Dad should provide draft reports in clear handwriting for editor’s review first, then the reports can be officially published. In the past, computer was a luxury good, I remember there was only one in Dad’s office for public use, therefore my sister and I were required to copy the draft reports for dad during our vacations. Normally we were required to complete 2-3 pages a day. I was always getting impatient after copying one page and wanted to go outside to play with my friends. Sometimes my sister helped me with part of my assignment when she was in good mood. If she was not willing to help, I wrote very quickly and carelessly in order to finish the assignment as soon as possible, Dad was very angry when he saw the terrible handwriting and had to ask mom to re-do it.

My father was a professor of psychology in a university before he retired /My father was a university professor of psychology before he retired. He focused on traffic psychology research, which involved the relationship between the traffic lights, the driving seats, and the drivers etc. In addition to teaching and doing the/his research, publishing reports in academic journals was a very important part of his job. Dad was supposed to provide draft reports in clear handwriting for the editor’s review first, then the reports could be officially published. In the past, the computer was a luxury good, I remember there was only one in Dad’s office for public use, therefore my sister and I were required to copy the draft reports for dad during our vacations. Normally we were required to complete 2-3 pages a day. I was always getting impatient after copying one page and wanted to go outside to play with my friends. Sometimes my sister helped me with part of my assignment when/if she was in a good mood. If she was not willing to help, I wrote the reports very quickly and carelessly in order to finish the assignment as soon as possible, Dad was very angry when he saw the terrible handwriting and had to ask mom to re-do it.

transcribe (v): 1-to record something written, spoken, or played by writing it down
E.g.: Recordings of conversations are transcribed and entered into the database.

can you listen understand the dialect?

viral (adj)P: 1-used to describe something that quickly becomes very popular or well known by being published on the internet or sent from person to person by email, phone, etc.

E.g.: Here’s a list of the top ten viral videos this week.
E.g.: Within days the film clip went viral.