VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[W]

Writing exercise

If I could take a vacation for a month in anywhere in the world withouting considering the budget and job. I would like to go to East Africa like Kenya or Tansania to see animals, such as zebras, giraffes and lions. I imagine myself riding on a horse, following animals and enjoying the sunrise and sunset on the prairie. It will be a wonderful experience in my life.

If I could take a vacation for a month in anywhere in the world without worrying about the budget and job, I would like to go to East Africa, countries like Kenya or Tanzania to see animals, such as zebras, giraffes and lions. I imagine myself riding on a horse, tracking animals and enjoying the sunrise and sunset on the savannah. It would be the most wonderful experience of my life.


savannah (n): 1-a large, flat area of land covered with grass, usually with few trees, that is found in hot countries, especially in Africa(尤指非洲等热带国家的)稀树草原

prairie (n): 1-a wide area of flat land without trees in Canada and the northern US加拿大和美国北部的)大草原

pampas (n):the large, flat areas of land covered in grass in parts of South America(南美洲的)大草原,草甸

steppe (n): 1-a large area of land with grass but no trees, especially in eastern Europe, Russia, and Central Asia(尤指东南欧、俄罗斯和亚洲北部无树的)干草原,大草原
E.g.: These people have lived for centuries on the Russian steppes.

track (v): 1-to follow a person or animal by looking for proof that they have been somewhere, or by using electronic equipment跟踪,追踪
E.g.: It’s difficult to track an animal over stony ground.

Safari (n): 1-an organized journey to look at, or sometimes hunt, wild animals, especially in Africa(尤指在非洲进行的)观察野生动物之行,游猎
E.g.: to go/be on safari去/在观察野生动物

far fartherfarthest or furtherfurthest

direct flight-直飞

visa (n): 1-an official mark, usually made in a passport, that allows you to enter or leave a particular country签证
E.g.: We travelled to Argentina on a tourist visa.
E.g.: I need to extend my visa .
E.g.: I’ve applied for an extension to my visa .

visa run is a trip you have to take in order to remain in a country where you’re visa is soon to expire. So you have to leave the country you want to stay in, get to a neighbouring country and then turn back around and re-enter the first country.

APP- Secret Flying