Online Class Notes (Nemo)[W]

Writing exercise

I think there is no one can say he did never cheat other people in this whole life. Sometime some cheating are white lies, but sometimes they are not. If you ask a student who are used to cheating in class, his answer maybe is “I want to get a good score” or “I don’t know the answer of this problem”.
If one day my son’s teacher tells me my son was cheating in class and it wasn’t a one-time problem. I will not get angry at him and I will ask him why you are used to cheating in class? I think I need to hear the real reason from my son and tell him these reasons aren’t worth to let you to cheat. The examination is only a mean to check if you have already get the knowledge or not and if you don’t have good score in one examination it doesn’t mean you are bad. Maybe next time you should study hard and review your work before the test. The score is not important, but the honest is.

I think there is no one who can say that he/she never cheated other people during their whole life. Sometime cheating is a  white lie, but sometimes it is not. If you ask a student who is used to cheating in class “why did you cheat?”, his answer maybe is “I want to get a good score” or “I don’t know the answer of this problem”.
If one day my son’s teacher tells me that my son was cheating in test/class and it wasn’t a one-time problem I would not get angry at him and I will ask him why you he cheated? I think that I would have to hear the real reason directly from my son and tell him that these reasons aren’t good enough to make you to cheat. The examination is only a mean/way to check if you have already got the knowledge or not and if you don’t achieve a  good score in one examination it doesn’t mean you are bad. Maybe next time you should study hard and review your work before the test. The score is not important, but the honesty is/ but to be honest is.


grudge (n):怨恨,嫌隙,积怨 a strong feeling of anger and dislike for a person who you feel has treated you badly, especially one that lasts for a long time
E.g.: I don’t bear any grudge against you. 我对你没有丝毫怨恨。

I need a special approval
my key job–my main responsibility

after I submitted my resignation
I handed in/gave in/sent in
my resignation this morning.

comply (v)服从;遵守;依从 to act according to an order, set of rules, or request
E.g. :There are serious penalties for failure to comply with the regulations.

national coverage

national = at the level of the nation (as distinct from local or regional)
Britain has more than ten national newspapers.

nationwide = extending across the country
a nationwide network/chain of stores
a nationwide survey/referendum

