VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S/W]

Writing exercise

I help mother clean the floor , and clean the bedroom and washing clothes. I help my father clean the shoes I help my brother drink water. I help my grand family washing vegetable

Often I help my mother to clean floors , and to clean the bedroom also I help her washing clothes. I help my father to clean the shoes and I help my brother to drink water. I help my grandparents to wash  vegetables

Speaking exercise

One day monkey and pig they were  skipping rope. Little rabbit Lili wants to play to but she can’t over the river. Pig and monkey was help she over the river, so they play together. They played very happily and in the evening little rabbit was going to pig’s home and monkey was going to pig’s home to, and they drinked coffee and milk and play toy train

One day monkey and pig they were  skipping rope. Little rabbit Lili wanted to play too but she couldn’t cross over the river. Pig and monkey was helped her to cross over the river, so they played together. They played very happily and in the evening little rabbit was going to pig’s home and monkey was going to pig’s home too. Over there they drunk coffee with milk and played with a toy train

she can’t cross over the river她不能过河

wizard (n): 男巫1-a man who is believed to have magical powers and who uses them to harm or help other people
E.g.: My favorite book is called “The Wizard of OZ”

sword (n):剑a weapon with a long, sharp metal blade and a handle, used especially in the past
E.g.: Chinese swords are famous because they are very sharp and strong.

bow and arrow-弓箭

shield (n): 1-盾(牌) a large piece of metal or leather carried by soldiers in the past to protect the body when fighting
E.g.:The Prince used shield and sword while fighting the dragon

giant (n):巨人 an imaginary creature like a man but extremely tall, strong, and usually very cruel, appearing especially in children’s stories

2-an unusually large person, animal or plant

He’s a giant of a man.他是个巨人。

giant (adj): 1-extremely large:
E.g.: a giant  machine
E.g.: to take giant steps