VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S]


What would you do if a fly came into your room, how would you catch it?



cover (v): 盖上;覆盖;遮盖;遮蔽
E.g.: Snow covered the hillsides.
E.g.: She covered him (up) with a blanket.

fridge (n):a piece of kitchen equipment that uses electricity to preserve food at a cold temperature
E.g.: Don’t forget to put the milk back in the fridge.

push (v): 推,推动
E.g.: Can you help me move this table? You push and I’ll pull.
E.g.: He helped me push my car off the road.

take (v):to move in order to hold something in the hand(s)
E.g.: Can you take this bag while I open the door?
E.g.: He took my arm and led me outside.
E.g.: Take an egg and break it into the bowl.

dead (adj):not now living死的,死亡的,去世的
E.g.: She’s been dead for 20 years now.
E.g.: The fly was dead

alive (adj):living, not dead
E.g.: He must be 90 if he’s still alive.

trash can-a container for waste



catch (v):接住;截住;拦住
to stop and hold a moving object, especially in your hands
E.g.: She managed to catch the keys as they fell.
E.g.: ‘Throw me over that towel, will you?’ ‘OK. Catch!’
E.g.: The dog caught the stick in its mouth.

Speaking exercise

One day it’s very hot, the Mr Bean open the window but a fly in the Mr Bean’s room. The fly stop on Mr Bean’s nose, Mr Bean is angry, he is very hot he push the fridge near the bed, he is cool. But Mr Bean is very very angry, he goes to kitchen  but the fly is in the fridge. Mr Bean take trash bin he wants to catch the fly. But the fly is on his bed. Mr Bean take a quilt and cover the fly, he writes lines on the quilt he hit the quilt。 he thinks the fly is dead so he take off the quilt the fly but fly is alive. He is angry, but the grandma open his door she was also very angry, close the door. Mr Bean is so sad,the  fly in the fridge. Mr Bean close the fridge, he open the door but he fall down, but the grandma open the door, she is angry close the door but Mr Bean is so sad, he is sleeping in the fridge but the fly is sleeping on his bed.

One day it was very hot, the Mr Bean opened the window but a fly came in the Mr Bean’s room. The fly stop on Mr Bean’s nose, Mr Bean was angry, he is very hot so he pushed the fridge near the bed, he is cool. But Mr Bean is very very angry, he went to his kitchen  but the fly was in the fridge. Mr Bean took a trash can he wanted to catch the fly. But the fly flew onto  his bed. Mr Bean took a quilt and covered the fly, he writes lines on the quilt and  he hit the quilt 。 he thought that the fly is dead so he took off the quilt but fly is alive. He is angry, but the grandma opened his door she was also very angry, she closed the door. Mr Bean is so sad, the  fly was  in the fridge. Mr Bean closed the fridge, he opened the door but he fell down, but the grandma opened the door, she was angry, she closed the door and Mr Bean is so sad, he is sleeping in the fridge and the fly is sleeping on his bed.