VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S]

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother


hairdryer-an electrical device, usually held in the hand, that blows out hot air and is used for drying a person’s hair(吹干头发用的)吹风机
E.g.: It takes my 10 minutes to dry my hair using hairdryer

heat sth up-to make something warm or hot:
E.g.: Let’s see what happens when I heat it up.
E.g.: Let me heat up the leftovers

shortage (n):a situation in which there is not enough of something:
E.g.: There’s a shortage of food and shelter in the refugee camps.
E.g.: The long hot summer has led to serious water shortages.

tap (n):faucet- a device that controls the flow of liquid, especially water, from a pipe
E.g.: the hot/cold tap
E.g.: Turn the tap on/off.
E.g.: Don’t leave the tap running after use.
E.g.: Is the tap water safe for drinking?

bear (v):to accept, tolerate, or endure something, especially something unpleasant
E.g.: He couldn’t bear to see the dog in pain.
E.g.: I can’t bear being bored.


order food online
book a table in a restaurant

rumble (v):to make a continuous low sound
E.g.: Please excuse my stomach rumbling – I haven’t eaten all day.

Speaking exercise

My parents always treat me like a child, unless no mater how old I am. My mom will prepare a toothbrush for me every morning and even put toothpaste on my toothbrush. Sometimes I can’t bear it, I’ll tell her that I’m mature now and that I can handle it myself. My mother has already retired but my father is still working.  Because my parents have their own habits, my mother likes dancing and my father likes playing mahjong, they will go outside and my dogs would be waiting on me.

My parents always treat me like a child, unless how old I am. My mom will prepare toothbrush for me every morning and even put toothpaste on my toothbrush. Sometimes I can’t bear it, I’ll tell her that I’m mature now and I can handle it myself. My mother has already retired but my father is still working.  Because my parents have their own habits, my mother likes dancing and my father likes playing mahjong, they will go outside and my dogs would be waiting on me.