VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S]


Write a story about your two grandmothers


fall (v):happen-to come at a particular time or happen in a particular place
E.g.: Easter falls late this year.
E.g.: My birthday will fall on a Friday this year.
E.g.: Night/Darkness had fallen by the time we got back to the camp.

annual (adj) 每年的
annually (adv):每年, 每年一次地
E.g. :The event, watched by millions of people all over the country, takes place annually.

fall into place (v):When events or details that you did not understand before fall into place, they become easy to understand.
E.g.: Once I discovered that the woman was his sister, everything fell into place.

why I’m so mediocre-为什么我这么平庸
mediocre (adj): not very good
E.g.: The film’s plot is predictable and the acting is mediocre.
E.g.: Parents don’t want their children going to mediocre schools.

nosy (adj):too interested in what other people are doing and wanting to discover too much about them
E.g.: She was complaining about her nosy parents.

I wasn’t paying attention to my emotional well-being
well-being (n):the state of feeling healthy and happy
E.g.: People doing yoga benefit from an increased feeling of well-being.

I call my grandmother once EVERY two weeks.


Speaking exercise

For this three years there happened many things to me, I had broke up with my boyfriend, I had changed my team in my department. I a new boyfriend and I broken up again, in this three years I with this The event, watched by millions of people all over the country, takes place annually. we get together three times and we broke up three times. During this time I studied many things foe example I studied psychology for a year, English. During I study I didn’t feel sad. I can focus on study and didn’t think about too much about my  emotions

During these/last three years many things happened to me/in my life, I had broke up with my boyfriend, I had changed my team within my department. I got a new boyfriend and I broken up again, during these  three years  we got together three times and we broke up three times. During this time I studied many things foe example I studied psychology for a year, English. During my studies I didn’t feel sad. I was able to focus on studying and I didn’t think about too much about my  emotions