VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S]


my current work-我目前的工作

current (adj): 1-of the present time:
E.g.: What is your current job? My current job is accounting manager.

I find criminology quite exciting

librarian-a person who works in a library

hiccup-打嗝 (n)

the hiccups [ plural ] (n)a series of hiccups:
E.g.: I’ve got the hiccups.
E.g.: an attack of the hiccups.

hiccup (v): 1-to make a hiccup:
E.g.: I can’t stop hiccuping – does anyone know a good cure?

hold your breath-to keep air in your lungs and not release it so that you need more:
E.g.: How long can you hold your breath under water?

panic (n): 1-a sudden strong feeling of fear that prevents reasonable thought and action:
E.g.: Carmel was in a panic about her exam.

panic panicKing, panicKed (v): to suddenly feel so worried or frightened that you cannot think or behave calmly or reasonably:
E.g.: Don’t panic! Everything will be okay.
E.g.: The sound of gunfire panicked the crowd.
E.g.: The boss always panics over/about the budget every month.

eraser (n): 1- a small piece of rubber used to remove the marks made by a pencil:
E.g.: If you draw or write in pencil you can always rub out your mistakes with an eraser.

smudge (v): 1-If ink, paint, etc. smudges or if someone smudges it, it becomes dirty or not clear because someone or something has touched it:
E.g.: She was crying and her mascara (睫毛膏) had smudged.
smudge (n): 1-a mark with no particular shape that is caused, usually by accident, by rubbing something such as ink or a dirty finger across a surface:
E.g.: Her hands were covered in dust and she had a black smudge on her nose.

correction fluid-修正液

he glued two pages together-把两页粘在一起

glue (n/v): 胶水
E.g.: Join the two pieces together using strong glue (n).
E.g.: He glued (v) his shoe.

swap (v)-交换, to give something and be given something else instead:
E.g.: When you’ve finished reading your book, and I’ve finished mine, can we swap?
E.g.: We swapped addresses with the people we met on holiday.
E.g.: Do you want to swap places?
E.g.: If you prefer to sit next to Chris, I’ll swap seats with you.

culprit (n): 1-someone who has done something wrong:
E.g.: Police hope the public will help them to find the culprits.

how long have you been studying so far?
I’ve been studying for around 6 months

Speaking exercise

Mr Bean went to a library to borrow a book. When he entered the library and told the librarian which book he wanted to borrow/check. The librarian accepted his order  and told him to be quiet. Mr Bean went quietly and found a seat with one reader. He took his pencil case, notebook from his bag carefully and try to avoid disturbing other reader but he couldn’t control his hiccups. In order to stop the hiccups he held his breath but that didn’t help. Soon, librarian brought him the book and Mr Bean opened the book and put a leather bookmark and he started copying the page. He suddenly sneezed and a sheet of paper on which he copy flew away, but he didn’t notice this so he continued his writing but now he was writing directly on the book. Once he found his fault he felt panic and wanted to repair this damage. He took an eraser to clean this writing but this only  smudged  everything and made a big mess. Then he tried to use the correction liquid but this time he damaged the next page. There’s no way to clean this mess so he decided to cut these two pages out. He used box cutter knife but he pressed too hard so he cut out many pages.  When the librarian noticed that the time is to return the book he swapped his book with the other reader’s book to  hide his mistake then he returned his book smoothly and left the library without taking out his bookmark. And then  he  came back to take his bookmark and that’s how he revealed himself as a culprit. The End

Mr Bean went to a library to borrow a book. When he entered the library and told the librarian which book he wanted to borrow/check. The librarian accepted his order and told him to be quiet. Mr Bean went quietly and sat next to another reader. He took his pencil case, notebook from his bag carefully and tried to avoid disturbing other reader but he couldn’t control his hiccups. In order to stop the hiccups he held his breath but that didn’t help. Soon, librarian brought him the book and Mr Bean opened the book and put a leather bookmark, and he started copying the page. He suddenly he sneezed and a sheet of paper on which he was copying flew away, but he didn’t notice this so he continued his writing but now he was writing directly on the book. Once he found out  his fault he felt panic/started to panic and wanted to repair this damage. He took an eraser to clean this writing but this only smudged everything and made a big mess. Then he tried to use the correction liquid but this time he also damaged the next page. There was no way to clean this mess so he decided to cut these two pages out. He used box cutter knife but he pressed too hard that he cut out many pages. When the librarian noticed that the time has come is to return the book he swapped his book with the other reader’s book in order to hide his mistake, then he returned his book smoothly and left the library without taking out his bookmark.  And then he came back to take his bookmark and that’s how he revealed himself as a culprit. The End