VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S]

we talk about that for a short period of time and then we’re over it

for the last two weeks I have heard many news about Hong Kong unemployed young people.  They want to fight for democracy and freedom. So, they get together and  parade and demonstrate. They are protesting for two weeks, they’re like criminal  cause they hurt many people. Yesterday I saw two news about they hurt two people, one is tourist, they control him for about eight hours. During these 8 hours they kick him and call him names. They had hurt him, when the ambulance went there and pick him up this people didn’t allow and to get this hurt people to the hospital. They also attack medical staff.there is other news, that they attacked another man who worked in Global News. He didn’t do nothing in HK, but they have attacked him just because he’s a reporter.

Speaking exercise

for the last two weeks I have heard many news about Hong Kong‘s unemployed young people/youth.  They want to fight for democracy and freedom. So, they got together and started to march and demonstrate. They are protesting for the last two weeks, now they’re behaving like criminals  cause they hurt many people. Yesterday I saw two articles about them hurting two people, one of them was a tourist, they held him for about eight hours. During these 8 hours they kicked him and they were calling him names. He was injured, when the ambulance arrived there to and pick him up these people didn’t allow medical staff and to get this take the injured people to the hospital. They also attacked medical.   There was one more article in which is described how they attacked another man who worked in/for Global News. He didn’t do nothing in HK, but they have attacked him just because he’s a reporter.

slang (n):very informal language that is usually spoken rather than written, used especially by particular groups of people
E.g.: army slang
E.g.: a slang expression
E.g.: “Chicken” is slang for someone who isn’t very brave.
chicken 是用来称呼胆小者的俚语。



they are demonstrating and marching他们在示威游行

demonstrate/protest (n):to make a public expression that you are not satisfied about something, especially by marching or having a meeting
E.g.: Thousands of people gathered to demonstrate against the new proposals.

full stop-句号
exclamation mark-!
question mark-?


call sb names-骂人If a person, especially a child, calls someone names, he or she addresses that person with a name that is intended to be offensive.(尤指小孩的行为)谩骂…,辱骂…
Tom’s worried that if he wears glasses at school the other children will call him names.

医务人员medical staff