VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S]

Speaking exercise

These days I am trying to make my employees improve their skills. There are some ways, one of this way is I want to record my first person view and show my record to them and I have a lot of skills to use some tools and use some hot keys when you’re coding the hotkey will save your time. I want to show them my skills. When I see them coding behind them I found the way they use tools make their performance low, so I think I need to show my skills to them. There are two parts of the video, one is record my fingers how to use keyboard, mouse, magic pad, and other is my screen, how to use tools and how to use some system features and I think the important thing is when I show my record to them it will let them consider how they can improve their performance.

These days I am trying to make my employees improve their skills. There are couple of ways to achieve this, one of the ways is that I want to record first-person view of me coding  and show this record/video to them, I have a lot of skills to use I’m quite skilled in using some tools and use some hotkeys -when you’re coding the hotkeys will save your time. I want to show them my skills. While watching them code (from behind) them I found out/realized that the way (in which) they are using  coding tools is making their performance low, so I think that I need to show my skills to them. There will be two parts of the video, one will be showing my fingers at work, explaining how to use keyboard, mouse, magic pad, and the second one other is focused on my screen, how to use tools and how to use some system features. I think that the important part of me showing them the video  will be that it will let them reconsider/rethink  about how they can improve their performance.


trial and error process-试错法
Coding is a continuous trial and error process

release (v):If a company releases a film or musical recording, it allows the film to be shown in cinemas, or makes the musical recording available for the public to buy.
E.g.: The band’s latest album will be released next week.