VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S]


Write a short story about your dogs 可乐and薯条


beef-牛肉-meat that comes from a cow
pork-猪肉-meat that comes from a pig
lamb-羊肉-meat that comes from a sheep

E.g.: I love to eat spicy hotpot

heavy (adj ):重的
E.g.: heavy work/lifting
E.g.: How heavy is that box? (= How much does it weigh?)
E.g.: This box is really heavy – can we put it down for a minute?

light (adj ):轻的;轻便的
E.g.: Here, take this bag – it’s very light.

dress (v):穿衣服;给(某人)穿衣服
to put clothes on yourself/sb
E.g.: I dressed quickly. 我很快穿好了衣服。
E.g.: Get up and get dressed ! 起床穿衣服了!

wear (v): 穿(衣服)
E.g.: Tracey is wearing a simple black dress.
E.g.: He wears glasses for reading.


On my drawing there are seven people, my mother, father, sister, brother and me, we are eating. My father buy my two dogs. One dog’s name is 可乐 Cola and other dog’s name is 薯条 Fries/French fries. We are eat fish, vegetables, meat and tofu and beef and soup. In soup have vegetables and carrots. My dress is orange and yellow and my brother is Spider-man.

On my drawing there are seven people, my mother, father, sister, brother and me, we are eating. My father bought me two dogs. One dog’s name is 可乐 Cola and other dog’s name is 薯条 Fries/French fries. We are eating fish, vegetables, meat and tofu, beef and soup. In soup there are vegetables and carrots. My dress is orange and yellow and my brother is wearing a Spider-man costume.