VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S]


named after (v):to give someone or something the same name as another person or thing
E.g.: Paul was named after his grandfather.

both-two people or things together
E.g.: Both my parents are teachers.
E.g.: I loved them both/I loved both of them.

itch (n)an uncomfortable feeling on the skin that makes you want to rub it with your nails

E.g.: I’ve got an itch on the back of my neck.

itchy (adj):having or causing an itch
E.g.: The sweater was itchy (= made me itch).
E.g.: The dust made me feel itchy all over.

scratch (n):to rub your skin with your nails
E.g.: He was scratching (at) his mosquito bites.

sharpen (v):to make something sharp or sharper
E.g.: My pencil is blunt – I’ll have to sharpen it.

sharpener (n):a machine or tool for making things such as pencils or knives sharper
E.g.: a pencil/knife sharpener

Speaking exercise

Jojo is my favorite pet, she is  two years old but she can talk and cook. First I tell she to cook some egg fried rice.  She can write A B C and she says ” Wooooooooow, I’m soooooo hungry” and she was bigger, she grows and she can make ice cream. She has a best friend, the best friend is a boy. The boy called Zhizhi, because  Zhizhi everyday was shouting Zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi and the little penguin Jojo was shouting jo jo jo jo jo jo jo, so that’s why I called them Zhizhi and Jojo. They are very smart and they two can read books. Their’s favorite book How to make a cheese and fish pie, and fish pizza. They make everything together, they are so happy, that’s why they’re best friends.

Jojo is my favorite pet, she is  two years old but she can talk and cook. First I told her to cook some egg fried rice.  She can write A B C and she says ” Wooooooooow, I’m soooooo hungry” and she was bigger, she grows and she can make ice cream. She has a best friend, the best friend is a boy. The boy is called Zhizhi, he was named this way because  Zhizhi everyday was shouting Zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi and the little penguin Jojo was shouting jo jo jo jo jo jo jo, so that’s why I called them Zhizhi and Jojo. They are very smart and both of them can read books. Their favorite book is “How to make a cheese and fish pie, and a fish pizza”. They make everything together, they are so happy, that’s why they’re best friends.