VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S]

Speaking exercise

The car is fast in the water the car go to the water. the water is very hot, the car is go home and drink cold water. Car is sleep in the home . Next day, the car wake up go to eat breakfast car was very hungry, then car go to the park. The car see a friend, the car go to play his friend. They play football for long time and they are very tired.They go home to eat lunch they eat hamburger. Then eat dinner , they eat milk and vegetable. Then car go to sleep

Car went fast to the water the car go in the water. the water is very hot, the car go home and drink cold water. Car is sleeping at the home . Next day, car woke up and went to eat breakfast car was very hungry, then car went to the park. The car saw a friend, the car went to play with his friend. They played football for long time and they were very tired.They went home to eat lunch they ate a hamburger. Then they ate dinner , they ate milk and vegetables. Then car went to sleep

wake up/woke up-STOP SLEEPING醒来;叫醒(某人),弄醒(某人)
E.g.: Come on, wake up – breakfast is ready.
E.g.: Every day I wake up at 8 o’clock.

tired (adj): 累的
E.g.: I was so tired when I got home from work last night that I had a quick nap.我昨晚下班回家后很累,就小睡了一会儿。
E.g.: My legs are tired.-我的腿酸了。
E.g.: Mummy, I’m tired!-妈妈,我累了。

dinosaur (n): 恐龙

对过- opposite; across the way:
His house is opposite of mine.他家就在我家对面

next to
used when describing two people or things that are very close to each other with nothing between them紧靠着,紧挨着
Can I sit next to the window?
Can I sit next to you?
