VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S]


blind (adj):unable to see
E.g.: She’s been blind since birth.

he’s blind


church 教堂
E.g.: The town has four churches.

sneeze (v)打喷嚏
E.g.: My nose is tickling, I think I’m going to sneeze.
E.g.: I keep sneezing – I hope I’m not getting a cold.

cheat (v): 1-to behave in a dishonest way in order to get what you want欺骗,行骗;作弊
E.g.: Mr Bean cheats all the time, last time he was cheating during a math test

sleepy (adj): 1-tired and wanting to sleep乏困的,瞌睡的
E.g.: Jason is very sleepy today
E.g.: Go to bed if you feel sleepy.你困了就睡吧。

he fell asleep他睡着了。

childish(adj):1-If an adult is childish, they behave badly in a way that would be expected of a child.
E.g.:Mr Bean is really childish

pocket (n): 1-a small bag for carrying things in, made of cloth and sewn into the inside or onto the outside of a piece of clothing衣袋,口袋,兜
E.g. :a jacket/trouser/coat pocket

Speaking exercise

Mr Bean went to a church and he can not sing. Then he sneezed and he didn’t have tissue, he use he pocket. He was sleepy, and he fell asleep, he wanted eat candy but teacher didn’t want he eat candy. Mr Bean put candy in shirt and he can’t eat so they sing and Mr Bean find the candy, but put in dirty pocket

Mr Bean went to a church and he can not sing. Then he sneezed and he didn’t have a tissue, he used his pocket. He was sleepy, and he fell asleep, he wanted to eat  a candy but teacher didn’t want him to eat the candy. Mr Bean put the candy inside of his shirt and he couldn’t eat it so they sing and Mr Bean found the candy, but he put it in a dirty pocket