VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S]


write a short story

A day at school


train (v): PREPARE训练
We’re trying to train our dog to sit.

I’ve been training handball for the last two years-过去两年我一直在训练手球。

I train daily/我每天训练 I train twice a week

training (n)-like a class
I have 2 trainings a/per week

per- “for each”每,每一
The meal will cost $20 per person.
The car was traveling at 70 miles per hour (70 mph).

she’s taking a daily piano classes


other letters-b,c,d….-consonants

-In speaking, we use A /ə/ before a consonant sound:

a car /a house /a big truck / a grey day

Some words that begin with a vowel letter in writing have a consonant sound:

a university- /ə ju:niˈvɜ:sɪti/              a one-year-old child-/ə wʌn …/

-We use AN/ən/ before a vowel sound:

an apple an old shoe an orchestra an umbrella

Some words that begin with a consonant letter in writing have a vowel sound:

/ən ə(r)/ an hour

/ən empi:θri: …/ an MP3 player

Speaking exercise

I have a friend her name is Keaily She is 11 years old, she like to play piano, she plays piano daily. She’s my best friend, I usually play with her after class. She can speak English very well, she is good at swimming. She was born in China, her birthday is on March 2nd

I have a friend her name is Keaily she is 11 years old.  She likes to play piano, she plays piano daily. She’s my best friend, I usually play with her after school. She can speak English very well, she is good at swimming/she’s a good swimmer. She was born in China and her birthday is on 2nd (of) March  .