VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S]



owner (n): 物主
I am the owner of the company我是公司的老板

Own (v): 拥有
I own the company我拥有公司

Graphic design-平面设计

this is one of the services my company provides-这是我公司提供的服务之一

one of其中之一
One of my friends/one of my jobs/one of my colleagues同事
One of my clients -我的一个客户

client (n): 1-客户, a customer or someone who receives services客户;顾客,主顾;委托人
E.g.: Mr Black has been a client of this firm for many years.

meeting (n): 1-a planned occasion when people come together to discuss something会见;会面;会议
E.g.: We’re having a meeting on Thursday to discuss the problem.
E.g.: I’m sorry but she’s in a meeting – I’ll ask her to call you back later.

casual style-休闲风格

便服-everyday clothes, casual clothes

Casual clothes are not formal or not suitable for special occasions.衣服)休闲的;便装的
E.g.: casual clothes 休闲服

most of my work I do after having dinner我大部分工作都是在晚饭后做的

Quiet environment-环境安静

Usually I get up at 7am, then I have breakfast between 9 and 10 o’clock and then I do my work about 1pm is my lunch time, after I continue working until 10pm then I would have a dinner, and after I continue working till midnight

Usually I get up at 7am, then I have breakfast between 9 and 10 o’clock and then I do my work around 1pm is my lunch time, after I continue working until 10pm, then I would usually have a dinner, and after dinner I continue working till midnight