VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S]


Write a short story about princess Anastasia


race (n): 1-a competition in which all the competitors try to be the fastest and to finish first赛跑,速度竞赛
E.g.: Do you know who won/lost the race?你知道比赛谁赢/输了吗?
E.g.: Let’s have a swimming race.让我们比一比看谁游得快。

swim (v): 游泳

Do you want to learn to swim?你想学游泳吗?
No, I don’t because I am scared of water

I am scared of water我怕水

scared (adj): 1-frightened or worried害怕的,
E.g.: He’s scared of spiders.他害怕蜘蛛。

swimming pool-游泳池

Do you like to travel? 你喜欢旅行吗?
I traveled to America


Shanghai is a beautiful city

America is a beautiful country


I morning go to school, and I evening go to the home. I have  six friends in school. I play with  them riddles. my friends and I play riddles and racing。

Every morning  I go to school, and every evening I go  home. I have  six friends at the school.  my friends and I play riddles and we race.