VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S]


skirt (n): 1-裙子a piece of clothing for women and girls that hangs from the waist and does not have legs:
E.g.: She wore a red skirt and a white shirt.
E.g.: a long/short skirt

towel (n): 1-a piece of cloth or paper used for drying someone or something that is wet:
E.g.: She came downstairs after her shower, wrapped in a towel (裹在毛巾里).
E.g.: a bath towel
E.g.: paper towels

dry (adj)-, 干的;干燥的 not wet, damp or sticky; without water or moisture
E.g.: Is my shirt dry yet?我的衬衣干了吗?

dry (v)(使)变干;(把…)弄干
to become dry; to make sth dry
E.g.: Be careful. The paint hasn’t dried yet.小心点。油漆还没有干。
E.g.:  Use this towel to dry your hands.用这条毛巾擦干手。
E.g.: dry your hair-弄干头发

wet (adj): 1-潮的;湿的;潮湿的 covered with or containing liquid, especially water
E.g.: wet clothes湿衣服
E.g.: wet grass湿草
E.g. :You’ll get wet (= in the rain) if you go out now.你要是现在出去会被淋湿的

suddenly (adv): 突然1- quickly and unexpectedly:
E.g.: He sat down suddenly.他猛地坐了下来。
E.g.: Suddenly he woke up

it is a summer day Jack going to the swimming pool, he sat on the chair and then go swimming. He jump into the swimming pool and kick a ball. then he is tired sat on the chair and dried his body with towel. Finally he go back home and have dinner

it was a summer day Jack went to the swimming pool, he sat on the chair and then went swimming. He jumped into the swimming pool and kicked a ball/he started playing with a ball. then he was/got/started feeling tired, he sat on the chair and dried his body with a towel. Finally, he went back home and had a dinner