VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S]


lonely (adj):-寂寞的, unhappy because you are not with other people:
E.g.: She gets lonely now that all the kids have left home.
E.g.: He felt lonely and far from home.


owner-主人, someone who owns something:
E.g.: Are you the owner of this car?
E.g.: We still haven’t found the dog’s owner.

lid-盖子, a cover on a container, that can be lifted up or removed:
E.g.: Can you get the lid off this jar?
E.g.: Put a lid on the bottle.

E.g.: Put the chain on the door if you are alone in the house.
E.g.: Mary was wearing a beautiful silver chain around her neck.

escape (v)-逃跑, to get free from something, or to avoid something:
E.g.: Two prisoners have escaped.
E.g.: A lion has escaped from its cage.

afraid (adj)-害怕的, feeling fear, or feeling worry about the possible results of a particular situation:
E.g.: He was/felt suddenly afraid.
E.g.: I’ve always been afraid of flying/heights/spiders.

a can of fish-    一罐鱼

stuffed animal (n)-填充动物, a toy animal made from cloth and filled with a soft material so that it is pleasant to hold:
E.g.: Her bed is covered with stuffed animals.

scratch (v)-划破皮肤 to cut or damage a surface or your skin slightly with or on something sharp or rough:
E.g.: We scratched the wall trying to get the bed into Martha’s room.
E.g.: Be careful not to scratch yourself on the roses.

Speaking exercise

It’s a black kitten in the street and in his mouth has a fish and he go to a house and see a doll and it’s sleeping in there and eat fish. Next day it’s raining and he see a dog, the dog want play with that kitten but kitten is afraid.. Now the dog’s owner is coming the kitten is hiding and the owner put the dog on chain so they can’t play with lid together.  One night the dog is angry because the kitten scratched him.  and kitten is in dog’s house and sleep with him. now they are escape together the door is open and kitten and dog is running out and then they see a girl and the girl give them a can of fish. And the girl see the dog she is afraid but kitten it’s like him so girl know the dog is a good dog,, so she take them  both with her

There was a black kitten, it was living on the streets, one day it got a fish and he went to a house over there and the kitten saw a stuffed animal in a box so it decided to sleep there and eat the fish. Next day it was raining The kitten saw  dog, the dog wanted to play with the kitten but the kitten was afraid.. suddenly  dog’s owner came and  the kitten went hiding, the owner put the dog on a chain so they couldn’t play together with a lid.  One night  the dog was angry because the kitten scratched him.  Later  kitten entered  dog’s house and slept with him. Later they escaped together by jumping over a wall.  kitten and dog are running away and then they see a girl, the girl gave them a can of fish. When the girl saw the dog she was afraid but kitten show her that the dog is a friend of his so the girl knew  that the dog is a good dog,, so she took  them  both with her