VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S]



dry (adj): 1-干燥
E.g.: Beijing air is very dry-北京的空气非常干燥

face mask (n): 1-口罩
While in Beijing I wore a face mask, because Beijing air is very polluted

Beijing air is very polluted 北京空气污染严重

Winter vacation-寒假

How long did you stay in Beijing?
In Beijing I stayed for 5 days.

is your coat warm?你的外套暖和吗?
Yes my coat is very warm

warm (adj):暖和

Great Wall of China-中国长城
The Forbidden City-紫禁城

flag (n): 1-旗帜, a piece of cloth, usually rectangular and attached to a pole at one edge, that has a pattern that shows it represents a country or a group, or has a particular meaning:
E.g.: Flags were flapping/fluttering in the breeze.

raise the flag-升起旗
lower the flag-降旗

snow tubing-雪上甜甜圈

Speaking exercise

During Winter holiday I went to Beijing, I flew to Beijing it takes two hours to get to Beijing. In the airplane I payed games but it’s not good so I saw two movies .  When we arrived to Beijing first day I sleep second day I went to the Tiananmen Square and to The Forbidden City. I went to the Imperial Harem there are many palaces, I saw the Yenxi Palace and Shoukan Palace and I went to the Emperor’s school. 3rd days I went to a park to snow tube. on the 4th day I went to see the Great Wall and on the 5th day I flew back to Shanghai.

During The Winter holiday I went to Beijing, I flew to Beijing, it takes two hours to get to Beijing. On the airplane I played video games but they were not fun so I watched two movies .  When we arrived to Beijing on the first day I slept, on the  second day I went to the Tiananmen Square and to The Forbidden City. I went to the Imperial Harem, there are many palaces, I saw the Yenxi Palace and Shoukan Palace also I went to the Emperor’s school. On the 3rd day I went to a park to snow tube. on the 4th day I went to see the Great Wall and on the 5th day I flew back to Shanghai.