VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S]

Speaking exercise


Lili and Rose are best friends, one day they are playing outside. It was winter and outside was very cold, they are wear some warm clothes. Outside it was snowing Lili and Rose are make some snowballs they want to build a snowman. They first make snowman’s body and then they make snowman’s head next they put him a scarf finally they put him a hat and two eyes, they used a carrot to make him nose, and then they put some sticks so he could have arms. After Lili and Rose  made a snowman they went back to home. Tomorrow it was warm the snowman is melted.

Lili and Rose are best friends, one day they were playing outside. It was winter and outside was very cold, they were wearing some warm clothes. Outside it was snowing, Lili and Rose are made some snowballs, they wanted to build a snowman. first they  made snowman’s body and then they made snowman’s head next they put him a scarf and finally they put him a hat and two eyes, they used a carrot to make his nose, and then they put some sticks so he could have arms. After Lili and Rose  made a snowman they went back to home. Tomorrow it was warm and  the snowman melted away.


melt (v)-熔化
E.g.: When the sun came out, the ice began to melt.

build (v)/builtbuilt: 1-建造, to make something by putting bricks or other materials together:
E.g.: They’re building new houses by the river.
E.g.: The birds built their nest in the tree.

stick (n): 枯枝;柴枝 A stick is a thin branch which has fallen off a tree.
E.g.: The old man was carrying a bunch of sticks.

a bunch of-一串

wake up (v)-醒来
E.g.: Yesterday I woke up at 6 o’clock.
E.g.: Every day I wake up very early.


wake up/woke up