VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S]

In the picture there’s a mouse it called Nina, she was the first to see the Sun and the Earth in the world and everyone liked her. She could jump very high, she could draw very good and she could dance very well. She had many friends among them the Sun the Earth. She had a very funny story to tell us. One day she went home and at home she saw many cakes, also there were many candies on the cakes and she got one very little cake and she tasted it. ” Oh that was very yummy” she said. Then she took some cakes for her friends, when she go to her friend’s home she saw that the cake was made of/with the oranges. Her friend, a little black cat saw the oranges, she was very excited and she said-Oh I like oranges, thank you for bringing me this cake you are and she was eating the orange cake all night long, and her tummy really hurt her after that.


that’s my imagine

imagine (v): Imagine (that) you’re eating ice cream – try to feel how cold it is.
Imagine (that) you’re eating ice cream – try to feel how cold it is.

imagination (n): 想象力
E.g.: My younger son has a very vivid (= active) imagination.
E.g.:I can never make up stories – I have absolutely no imagination.

I have a loose tooth. 我的一个牙齿松动了。

One of my teeth is wobbly