VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S]

One morning Jerry play to his friend  he was run fast and he fell down he cut his finger and it was very painful. He wash he finger at a fountain but his finger was still very painful. He went to the doctor Doctor said, I will help you so he cleaned the finger he put medicine and bandage. Jerry felt better, his finger didn’t hurt. So he went to play

One morning Jerry wanted to play with his friend, so he went outside and  he was running very fast and he fell down and he cut his finger and it was very painful. He washed his finger at a fountain but his finger was still very painful. He went to the doctor. Doctor said- I will help you! so he cleaned the finger he put a medicine and bandage. Jerry felt better, his finger didn’t hurt anymore. So he went to play with his friend



repair (v)-修理, to put something that is damaged, broken, or not working correctly, back into good condition or make it work again:
E.g.: to repair the phone
E.g.: I really need to repair my  bike this weekend.

what do you want to become when you grow up? 你长大后想成为什么样的人?
When I grow up I want to become a painter

expensive (adj)-贵的
E.g.: Fast cars are very expensive

cheap (adj): 1-便宜的
E.g.: This hat is very cheap



Pandas are eating bamboo, pandas are herbivores

意大利面-Italian pasta