VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S]


Draw a family tree and explain who si who in your family


family tree (n):a drawing that shows the relationships between the different members of a family, especially over a long period of time

Scotland-a country that is part of the United Kingdom
castle (n): 城堡
E.g.: Mr Bean’s family got a castle in Scotland

wax (n):a hard substance containing a lot of fat that becomes soft and melts when warm

E.g.: She watched the wax as it dripped down the side of the candle.

candle (n):a stick-shaped piece of wax with a wick (= piece of string) in the middle of it that produces light as it slowly burns
E.g.: Shall I light a candle?

cucumber mask

You’re a nobleman

Speaking exercise

One day Mr B go to the library. He make  a family tree for teddy bear, and he make family tree for heself. Old woman say please quiet and then she show him a book and she said ‘Wow you’re a 贵族. And She says you have castle in 苏格兰. Mr Bean go to the castle and a man say, ‘Welcome’. They have dinner, but don’t have food, have 水/电费. So Mr Bean go to bed and he is hungry, he want to eat some food. He see he mother, and he’s afraid. Then he go to the basement and he find another 贵族 heself.

One day Mr B went to the library. He made  a family tree for his teddy bear, and he made a family tree for himself. An Old woman asked him  please be quiet and then she showed him a book and she said ‘Wow you’re a nobleman. And She says you have castle in Scotland. Mr Bean go to the castle and a man who opened the door said, ‘Welcome’. They had dinner, but they didn’t have food, they got water/electricity bills. So Mr Bean went to bed and he was hungry, he wanted to eat some food. He saw the old lady and was afraid. Then he went to the basement and he found the real nobleman