VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S]

Today we focused on:

Today we focused on subject and object pronouns


try using some of today’s vocabulary to write a story about your history teacher


encyclopedia (n)百科全书
E.g. : The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language

复杂complicated (adj):involving a lot of different parts, in a way that is difficult to understand
complicated instructions
E.g. : I had to fill in this really complicated form.
E.g. : The rules are rather complicated to follow.

simple (adj)简单的easy to understand or do; not difficult
E.g. : The instructions were written in simple English.
E.g. : It’s simple to find our house.

魔方-magic cube /Rubik’s cube

难-difficult (adj):needing skill or effort
E.g. : a difficult problem/choice/task/language

piece together-拼凑
E.g. : A friend of mine pieced together a 2000 piece puzzle in a week

E.g. : a game of darts
E.g. : a darts tournament

Text-课文the written words in a book, magazine, etc., not the pictures
E.g. : The book has 500 pages of text.

is you teacher very strict?你的老师很严格吗?
No she’s not strict, during her class we can speak

write a composition-撰写文章


Mark is watching TV
subject verb object

I will give the phone to Mark

Mark(S) will give the phone to me (object)

Subject pronouns- I, you, he, she, it/We, you, they

Object pronouns-me, you, him, her, it/Us, You/Them

subject-the person or thing that performs the action of a verb, or is joined to a description by a verb
“Bob” is the subject of the sentence “Bob threw the ball.”
Bob 是句子 Bob threw the ball 的主语。

object-a noun or noun phrase that is affected by the action of a verb or that follows a preposition
In the sentence “I like ice cream”, “ice cream” is the object of the verb “like”.
在句子 I like ice cream 中,ice cream 是动词 like 的宾语。

pronoun-a word that is used instead of a noun or a noun phrase
Pronouns are often used to refer to a noun that has already been mentioned.
“She”, “it”, and “who” are all examples of pronouns.
she,it 和 who 都是代词。

Speaking exercise

Our teacher is very different because she can let us take toy in the school.  I bring the maze in the school many classmates like this maze and some friend bring a magic cube. My teacher buy some darts because when we start the class and we use ruler me hit you and you hit me. She’s our Chinese language teacher, on her class we read texts, and we write  composition, I don’t like writing compositions because my mother says ” Your writing is not good!” and I need to correct it many times.

Our teacher is very different/she’s very special because she let us bring a toy to the school.  Usually I bring a maze to the school, many of my classmates like this maze and some of my friends bring a magic cube. My teacher bought some darts because before the class starts the class and we use rulers to fight. If you hit me, I would hit you! She’s our Chinese language teacher, during her class we read texts, and we write  compositions, I don’t like writing compositions because my mother says ” Your writing is not good!” and I need to correct it many times.