VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[R]


breathe in 吸气/breathe out 呼气
breathe in deeply and then breathe out slowly.

E.g.: Matter is everything around you, houses, cars, mountains, seas, air we breathe.

E.g.: Matter is the physical part of the universe consisting of solids, liquids, and gases.

solids, liquids, and gases.-固体、液体和气体。

type-类型, kind
E.g.: There are three types of matter-solids, liquids, and gases

rain puddle-雨水坑a small amount of water or other liquid, especially rain, that has collected in one place on the ground
E.g.: Pepa Pig loves jumping into the puddles

bubble (n): 1-a ball of gas that appears in a liquid, or a ball formed of air surrounded by liquid that floats in the air泡;气泡;泡沫
E.g.: Coca Cola is full of bubbles

fill (v): 1-to make or become full; to use empty space(使)充满,(使)装满,(使)注满;占据;布满
E.g.: I filled the bucket with water.



What is matter?

Matter is all around you. There are three kinds of matter. The first kind of matter is solids. A solid has a shape. You can touch it and see it. A toy car is a solid. A school desk is a solid

The second kind of matter is liquids. A liquid does not have its own shape. You can touch it and see it. Milk is a liquid. A rain puddle is a liquid.

The third kind of matter is gases.A gas does not have a shape. You can’t touch a gas, and you can’t see it when it is by itself. Sometimes, you can feel a gas when it moves. Balloons that float are filled with a gas. The bubbles in a fishbowl are a gas