VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[R]


Write a story – where would you like to fly with the magic carpet?


is smaller than a carpet
My dog loves lying on the rug in front of the fire. 我的狗喜欢趴在炉火前的小地毯上。 


My mother bought a cheap rug-我妈妈买了一块便宜的地毯

cheap- (adj): 不贵,便宜的

Coca Cola is cheap/Coca Cola is not expensive
expensive (adj):1-贵的
Computer is expensive


E.g.: Tigers lives in the jungles of Asia

lizard-蜥蜴 small animal has a long body, four short legs, a long tail, and thick skin
E.g.: Lizards love to eat insects

insect (n): 1-昆虫
E.g.: Ants, beetles, butterflies, and flies are all insects. 蚂蚁、甲虫、蝴蝶和苍蝇都是昆虫。

foggy (adj): with fog有雾的
E.g.: It is a cold, foggy day 寒冷起雾的一天

fog (n): 1-雾
E.g.: The village was covered in fog for many days这个村庄被雾笼罩了好几天。

windy (adj)多风的;大风的
E.g.: If it is windy, the wind is blowing a lot.
E.g.: It was windy and Jake felt cold.-风很大,杰克觉得很冷


Ali and a magic carpet

One very hot day Ali finds a carpet in his uncle’s shop.
First they fly high up into the sky and then they land in a jungle. It is hot and wet and it’s raining.
-‘It’s raining! Yuck!’
Then they fly to
the desert. It is very, very hot and dry.
-It is very, very hot today!
After that they fly to the South Pole. There is lots of ice and snow.
-Where are we now? I can’t see!
In the mountains. Can you see me?
-It’s very foggy.
Then they fly to a forest. It’s very windy there.
-Oh, it’s windy in the forest!
Aaagh! Let’s go home!
What a storm!
Finally they fly back home.
Wow! What an adventure!