VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[R]



love handles-腰部赘肉

admit (v):to allow someone to enter a hospital because they need medical care:
uk She was admitted to hospital suffering from shock.
us She was admitted to the hospital suffering from shock.

re-(prefix) -used to add the meaning “do again”, especially to verbs:

outcome (n):a result or effect of an action, situation, etc.:
E.g.: It’s too early to predict the outcome of the meeting.

predict (v):to say that an event or action will happen in the future, especially as a result of knowledge or experience:
E.g.: It’s still not possible to accurately predict the productivity for the next year.

accurately (adj):correctly and without making any mistakes:
E.g.: The salesperson accurately identifies customer needs

in the first place-in or at the beginning (of a series of events):
E.g.: The trousers shrank (became smaller) when I washed them, but they weren’t really big enough in the first place.
E.g.: Thankfully, he wasn’t hurt, but he never should have been there in the first place.

fit (adj):healthy and strong, especially as a result of exercise:
E.g.: I jog to keep/stay fit.
E.g.: You need to be very fit to hike the mountain.

fitness (n):activities relating to keeping healthy and strong, especially through exercise:
E.g.: The increase of interest in health and fitness means that most hotels now have gyms and pools.
E.g.: the fitness industry/sector
E.g.: a fitness centre/club
E.g.: fitness trainers/instructors

jog (v):to run at a slow, regular speed, especially as a form of exercise:
“What do you do to keep fit?” “I jog and go swimming.”

detox (n):a period when you stop taking unhealthy or harmful foods, drinks, or drugs into your body for a period of time, in order to improve your health:
E.g.: She went on a 48-hour detox, eating nothing but grapes.
E.g.: a detox diet

