VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[R]


[Verse 1]
If I were a boy
Even just for a day
I’d roll out of bed in the morning
And throw on what I wanted and go
Drink beer with the guys
And chase after girls
I’d kick it with who I wanted
And I’d never get confronted for it
‘Cause they’d stick up for me

[Chorus 1]
If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I’d be a better man
I’d listen to her
‘Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
‘Cause he’s taken you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed

[Verse 2]
If I were a boy
I would turn off my phone
Tell everyone it’s broken
So they’d think that I was sleepin’ alone
I’d put myself first
And make the rules as I go
‘Cause I’d know that she’d be faithful
Waitin’ for me to come home
To come home

[Chorus 1]
If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I’d be a better man
I’d listen to her
‘Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted (Wanted)
‘Cause he’s taken you for granted (Granted)
And everything you had got destroyed

It’s a little too late for you to come back
Say, it’s just a mistake
Think I’d forgive you like that
If you thought I would wait for you
You thought wrong

[Chorus 2]
But you’re just a boy
You don’t understand
(Yeah, you don’t understand, oh)
How it feels to love a girl
Someday, you’ll wish you were a better man
You don’t listen to her
You don’t care how it hurts
Until you lose the one you wanted
‘Cause you’ve taken her for granted
And everything you have got destroyed
But you’re just a boy…


lyrics [ plural ]the words of a song, especially a pop song(尤指流行歌曲的)歌词
E.g.: Paul Simon writes the lyrics for most of his songs.

take sth for granted-to believe something to be the truth without even thinking about it认为…是理所当然的
E.g.: I didn’t realize that Melanie hadn’t been to college – I suppose I just took it for granted.

take sth or sb for granted-If you take situations or people for granted, you do not realize or show that you are grateful for how much you get from them.
E.g.: One of the problems with relationships is that after a while you just take each other for granted.

faithful (adj): 1-firm and not changing in your friendship with or support for a person or an organization, or in your belief in your principles
E.g.: a faithful friend
2-If your husband, wife, or partner is faithful, he or she does not have a sexual relationship with anyone else.(配偶或性伴侣)忠诚的,忠贞的
E.g.: He was faithful to his wife throughout their 30-year marriage.

double standard双重标准-a rule or standard of good behavior that, unfairly, some people are expected to follow or achieve but other people are not
E.g.: We cannot have a double standard where we say everybody else must play by the rules, but we do not need to.


go through something- to experience a difficult or unpleasant situation遭受,经历,经受(苦难等)
E.g.: I’ve been going through a bad patch recently.
E.g.: I’m going through a bad break-up (n)

break up (v): If a marriage breaks up or two people in a romantic relationship break up, their marriage or their relationship ends:
E.g.: Jenny and George have broken up.
E.g.: She’s just broken up with her boyfriend.