VIP Class Notes (Nemo) [S]


E.g.: Water boils at  100° ( 100 degrees) Celsius/Centigrade.
E.g.: A right angle is an angle of 90°.

high fever-高烧

nauseous (adj): 1-feeling as if you might vomit:
E.g.: Roller coasters make me feel nauseous.

roller coaster (n): 1-过山车

remote controlled cars-遥控车

midnight (n)-午夜, twelve o’clock in the middle of the night:
E.g.: There’s a great film on TV at midnight.
E.g.: It was after midnight when we got home.

connect to wifi-连接到WiFi

niece (n): 1-a daughter of your brother or sister, or a daughter of your husband’s or wife’s brother or sister

nephew (n): 1-a son of your sister or brother, or a son of the sister or brother of your husband or wife

we’re not religious-我们不信教

religious (adj)-宗教的
E.g.: My family is not religious
My grandparents are religious, they believe in Buddha


believe-相信, to be certain that something exists:
E.g.: Do you believe in ghosts?

celebrate (v)-庆祝, to show that a day or an event is important by doing sth special on it.
E.g.: Tom celebrated his 10th birthday two days ago.

How do people celebrate New Year in your country? 你们国家的人怎样庆贺新年?

People eat 年夜饭, my grandparents believe in Buddha, we pray to Buddha and eat so in New Years we always fat
年夜饭-Family reunion dinner

calendar (n)-日历, a printed table showing all the days, weeks, and months of the year:
E.g.: I’ve marked his birthday on the calendar.
E.g.: An old calendar for 2018 was still hanging on the wall of his  room.

sauna-桑拿, a room or small building, often with wooden walls, that is heated to a high temperature and in which people sit for their health
E.g.: After the class I’ll go to a sauna
-a hotel with a swimming pool and sauna-带游泳池和桑拿浴室的旅馆

to have/take a sauna-洗桑拿浴

Elder female cousin

poor (adj):deserving sympathy:值得同情
E.g.: That cold sounds terrible, you poor thing!
E.g.: Look at that dog – the poor thing only has three legs.

Speaking exercise

Tomorrow I go to my classmate’s birthday party and  celebrate my 表姐 son 1 years old. But I’m tired and sick so I don’t know I go there or not.  My classmate is a girl, she’s 9 years old, her name is Emily but I don’t want to go there.  She will celebrate in a hotel. My little cousin will celebrate his birthday in a shopping mall

Tomorrow I will go to my classmate’s birthday party and  after that celebrate my cousin’s  1st birthday. But I’m tired and sick so I don’t know if I’ll go there or not.  My classmate is a girl, she’s 9 years old, her name is Emily but I don’t want to go to her birthday party.  She will celebrate in a hotel. My little cousin will celebrate his birthday in a shopping mall