VIP Class Notes (Nemo)


glacier (n): 冰河
melt (v): 融化, to turn from something solid into something soft or liquid, or to cause something to do this:
E.g.: The snow usually melts by mid March.
E.g.: Melt the chocolate slowly so that it doesn’t burn.
E.g.: The meat’s beautifully cooked – it melts in your mouth (= is so pleasantly soft that you do not need to chew it).

boil  (v): 1-开水, 沸腾;煮沸;烧开
when a liquid boils or when you boil it, it is heated to the point where it forms bubbles and turns to steam or vapour
E.g.: The water was bubbling and boiling away. 水在咕嘟咕嘟地沸腾着。

evaporate (v): 1-to cause a liquid to change to a gas, especially by heating:
Some water evaporates to form clouds.

condense (v): 10to change or make something change from a gas to a liquid or solid state:
E.g.: Water vapor in the air condenses into fog.

region  (n):地区a particular area or part of the world, or any of the large official areas into which a country is divided:
E.g.: Tibet is one of China’s autonomous regions
E.g.: the Nordic/Asia-Pacific region

trade (n): 1-贸易;买卖;商业;交易 the activity of buying and selling or of exchanging goods or services between people or countries
E.g.: international/foreign trade国际 / 对外贸易
E.g.: Trade between the two countries has increased.两国之间的贸易增长了。

expert (n): 1-a person with a high level of knowledge or skill relating to a particular subject or activity:
E.g.: a chess/medical expert
E.g.: He’s an expert on 15th-century Italian history.

source (n): 1-来源;出处 a place, person or thing that you get sth from
E.g.: renewable energy sources 可再生能源

increase (v): 1-to (make something) become larger in amount or size:
E.g.: Our main aim is to increase sales by 12% this year.
E.g.: Life expectancy in Europe has increased greatly in the 20th century.

increase (n): 1-a rise in the amount or size of something:
E.g.: price/tax increases
E.g.: There were 39,000 new cases last year – an increase of six percent.

decrease (v): 1- to become less, or to make something become less:

decrease (n): 1-a reduction:
E.g.: There has been a steady decrease in the number of visitors.
E.g.: I haven’t noticed much decrease in interest.


Each year, millions of people visit the 4,570-meter-high Baishui Glacier in southern China. Scientists say it is one of the world’s fastest-melting glaciers.

The huge body of ice is in the southeastern edge of a Central Asian region called the Third Pole. It is about 4.5 million square kilometers in area and holds the world’s third largest collection of ice after Antarctica and Greenland.

Third Pole glaciers are critical to billions of people from Vietnam to Afghanistan. Seasonal glacier melts feed Asia’s 10 largest rivers, including the Yangtze, Yellow, Mekong, and Ganges.

Ashley Johnson is an energy, trade and economics expert at the National Bureau of Asian Research, based in the United States. She says the Third Pole is one of the world’s largest sources of fresh drinking water. She says an increase in melting from climate change may put that at risk.