VIP Class Notes (Nemo)


-In speaking, we use a /ə/ before a consonant sound:

a car /a house /a big truck /a wheel/ a grey day


Some words that begin with a vowel letter in writing have a consonant sound:

/ə ju:ˈnaɪtɪd …/ /ə ju:niˈvɜ:sɪti/ /ə wʌn …/

a united group /a university /a one-year-old child

-We use an /ən/ before a vowel sound:

an apple an old shoe an orchestra an umbrella


Some words that begin with a consonant letter in writing have a vowel sound:

/ən empi:θri: …/ an MP3 player      /ən aʊə(r)/ an hour


The -pronunciation

/ði:/ before vowel sounds       /ði: eksɪt/ the exit.         /ði: æpəl/ the apple

/ðə/ before consonant sounds.       /ðə ti:m/ the team.      /ðə ju:niən/ the union

We only use a/an with singular countable nouns:

I have a sister and a brother.

That was an excellent meal.


late (ADJ): 1-used to refer to someone who has died
E.G.: She gave her late husband’s clothes to charity. 她把丈夫去世后留下的衣服捐给了慈善机构。

deceased (adj): dead
E.g.: the recently deceased Member of Parliament 最近去世的议员

pass away (v): 1- polite way of saying die(礼貌的说法)去世
E.g.: She’s terribly upset because her father passed away last week. 她非常难过,因为她父亲上周去世了。

bury (v): 1- to put a dead body into the ground
E.g.: His father is buried in the cemetery on the hill. 他的父亲葬在山上的墓地里。

head (v): 1-to go in a particular direction
E.g.: I was heading out of the room when she called me back. 她叫我回来的时候我正朝屋外走。

usually it would take us an hour to get there

there are 1.4 billion people in China-one point four

she will arrive at TO Japan