VIP Class Notes (Nemo)


multipurpose-多用途的, can be used for many different purposes

multi- (prefix)=many
multi-ethnic (adj): 1-consisting of, or relating to various different races由不同种族组成的;涉及不同种族的
E.g.: Britain is a multi-ethnic society, with many black and Asian people.

ethnic Chinese” is more often used to describe people of Chinese descent but are no longer living in China.

he’s my father’s age

take it or leave it-accept or refuse the offer completely接不接受由你,要不要随你的便
E.g.: That’s my final offer – you can take it or leave it.

at first it would feel strange but eventually I would get used to it

If you can‘t beat themjoin them.不过他们加入他们


Onomatopoeic -拟声的;象声的
Onomatopoeic words sound like the noise they refer to. ‘Hiss’, ‘buzz’, and ‘rat-a-tat-tat’ are examples of onomatopoeic words.

extrovert (n)an energetic happy person who enjoys being with other people性格外向的人
E.g.: Most sales people are extroverts.

extroverted (adj)

introvert (n):someone who is shy, quiet, and unable to make friends easily性格内向者

introverted (adj