VIP Class Notes (Nemo)


Write a story about “dinosaur, dog, lion and tiger eat people”


AM –a time between twelve o’clock at night MIDNIGHT and twelve o’clock in the middle of the day NOON:
PM-a time in the afternoon or evening or at night: a time between NOON and MIDNIGHT
E.g.: My class finishes at 5pm


Yellow is past the hour Green is to the hour

1 five past
2 ten past
3 quarter past
4 twenty past
5 twenty five past
6 half past
7 twenty five to
8 twenty to
9 quarter to
10 ten to
11 five to
12 ,o, clock

6:10-it is ten past six
6:15-it is fifteen past six-it is quarter past six
6:30-it is six thirty-it is half past six

6:35-it is six thirty five-it is twenty five to seven
6:40-it is six forty -it is twenty to seven
6:45-it is quarter to seven