VIP Class Notes (Nemo) [S]

Speaking exercise

I work for an American company which use fiscal year instead of a normal year, Every fiscal year starts in July, so now is the end of the fisc year. We have to present and introduce our plan to CEO and we need to determine our main strategy and we need to be very focused, based on a limited budget. There are many angles to present our strategy, retail;, digital, social and training. Our boss will comment these based on our strategy and give us suggestions for the next year. A meeting will take a whole day

I work for an American company which use a fiscal year instead of a normal year, Every fiscal year starts in July, so now is the end/we’ re nearing the end of the fisc year. We have to present and introduce our plan to CEO and we need to determine our main strategy also we need to be very focused, based on a limited budget. There are many perspectives to our  our strategy presentation , retail;, digital, social and training. Our boss will comment these based on our strategy and give us suggestions for the next year. A meeting will take a whole day


take something into account- to consider or remember something when judging a situation
E.g.: I hope my teacher will take into account the fact that I was ill just before the exams when she marks my paper.
E.g.: A good architect takes into account the building’s surroundings.

appropriation (n): 1- an amount of money to be used for a particular purpose
E.g.: The committee approved an appropriation of £10,000. 委员会批准拨款1万英镑。

hit the headlines-to appear in the news suddenly or receive a lot of attention in news reports
E.g.: He hit the headlines two years ago when he was arrested for selling drugs to the mayor’s nephew.

how many money-how MUCH money