VIP Class Notes (Nemo)


clone(n)– 克隆动物(或植物);无性繁殖动物(或植物);复制动物(或植物)
a plant or an animal that is produced naturally or artificially from the cells of another plant or animal and is therefore exactly the same as it

horror movie/film-恐怖片, a film in which very frightening or unnatural things happen, for example dead people coming to life and people being murdered

upset (adj): 1- worried, unhappy, or angry
E.g.: She was very upset to hear that the party had been cancelled. 听说聚会取消了,她很沮丧。
E.g.: He was very upset that you didn’t reply to his emails. 你没给他回信,他很失望。

interrupt (v): 1- to stop a person from speaking for a short period by something you say or do
E.g.: She tried to explain what had happened but he kept interrupting her. 她试图解释所发生的事情,但他不停地打断她。
E.g.: I wish you’d stop interrupting. 但愿你别打断我的话。

gadget (n): 1-a small device or machine with a particular purpose
E.g.: kitchen gadgets 厨房器具
E.g.: Have you seen this handy little gadget – it’s for separating egg yolks from whites. 你见过这种很有用处的小装置吗——它是用来把蛋黄和蛋清分开的。

stingy (adj): 1-stingier, stingiest/(informal) 小气的;吝啬的
not given or giving willingly; not generous, especially with money
E.g.: You’re stingy! (= not willing to spend money)你真小气!
E.g.: Don’t be so stingy with the cream!别那么舍不得放奶油!
E.g.:He’s really stingy and never buys anyone a drink when we go out. 他非常小气,我们一起出去时他从来不请喝酒。


clone -kloʊn/