VIP Class Notes (Nemo)


bandwidth (n) a measurement of the amount of information that can be sent between computers, through a phone line, etc.
E.g.: The system will handle signals that need high bandwidth, for instance those that encode TV pictures. 这个系统可以处理需要高带宽的信号,比如编码压缩过的电视图像信号。
E.g.: high-bandwidth services/applications 高带宽服务/应用

E.g.: There’s enough bandwidth to let you surf, stream and down- load all at the same time.

repurpose to find a new use for an idea, product, or building
E.g.: The company’s role is to repurpose print data for use on the Web. 这家公司的职责是将印刷品资料转成电子版以供网络使用。
E.g.: Cinemas are harder to repurpose than ordinary shops. 与普通店铺相比,电影院改作其他用途的难度要大得多。

bureaucratic (adj): relating to a system of controlling or managing a country, company, or organization that is operated by a large number of officials
E.g.: The company was inefficient because it was highly bureaucratic. 那家公司效率低下是因为官僚主义严重。
​2-involving complicated rules and processes that make something slow and difficult
E.g.: I had a lot of bureaucratic hassle trying to get the information I needed. 为了得到我所需要的信息,我费尽周折应对繁文缛节。

prolong (v): 1-to make something last a longer time
E.g.: We were having such a good time that we decided to prolong our stay by another week. 我们过得非常愉快,决定再多呆一个星期。

be back on your feet-to be healthy again after a period of illness:
E.g.: “We’ll soon have you back on your feet again,” said the nurse.