VIP Class Notes (Nemo)


profile picture-人头照

show off (v): to behave in a way that is intended to attract attention or admiration, and that other people often find annoying炫耀,卖弄
E.g.: She only bought that sports car to show off and prove she could afford one.
E.g.: He’s always showing off to his classmates.

boast (v): 1-to speak too proudly or happily about what you have done or what you own自吹自擂,吹嘘,夸耀
E.g.: He didn’t talk about his exam results in case people thought he was boasting.
E.g.: Parents enjoy boasting about their children’s achievements.

hang out (v): 1-to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone经常出入(某场所);(与某人)厮混
E.g.: You still hang out at the pool hall?
E.g.: I’ve been hanging out backstage with the band.



tortoise (n) :an animal with a thick, hard shell that it can move its head and legs into for protection. It eats plants, moves very slowly, and sleeps during the winter.龟,陆龟

turtle (n):an animal which lives in or near water and has a thick shell covering its body into which it can move its head and legs for protection 龟;海龟

tip of the iceberg-a small, noticeable part of a problem, the total size of which is really much greater(重大问题的)冰山一角,端倪,明显的一小部分
E.g.: This is only the tip of the iceberg.这仅仅是冰山的一角。
