VIP Class Notes (Nemo)


charcoal drawing-炭笔画

1 brush/ many brushes

collage (n): 1-(the art of making) a picture in which various materials or objects, for example paper, cloth, or photographs, are stuck onto a larger surface
E.g.: The children made a collage of postcards. 孩子们用明信片制作了一张拼贴画。


varnish (n/V)-a liquid that is painted onto wood or paintings to protect the surface, or the hard shiny surface it produces when it dries
E.g.: a final coat of (clear) varnish 最后一层清漆
E.g.: I need to put varnish on my painting. (名词)

I need to varnish (动词) my painting

gild (v):to cover a surface with a thin layer of gold or a substance that looks like gold
E.g.: Later I will gild the painting frame. 以后我要给画框镀金

For gilding I use hide glue 我用皮胶烫金

hide glue-皮胶……..glue-胶/胶水

hide (n): 1-the strong, thick skin of an animal, used for making leather(用于制作皮革的)兽皮

additive-something added to enhance food or gasoline or paint or medicine
