VIP Class Notes (Nemo)



motion sickness (n): 1-晕动病(尤指晕车)
the unpleasant feeling that you are going to vomit , that some people have when they are moving, especially in a vehicle
E.g.: Motion sickness is a common problem in people traveling by car, train, airplanes, and especially boats.

bank account (n)银行账户an arrangement with a bank in which the customer puts in and removes money and the bank keeps a record of it
E.g.: I closed my Hong Kong bank account when I came to Shanghai.

deposit money-存钱

deposit (v): 1-to put something valuable, especially money, in a bank or safe (= strong box or cupboard with locks):
E.g.: There’s a night safe outside the bank, so you can deposit money whenever you wish.
E.g.: I deposited £500 in my account this morning.

debit card (n)-借记卡a small plastic card that can be used as a method of payment, the money being taken from your bank account automatically
E.g.: I paid with my debit card.我用借记卡付了款。

credit card (n): 1-信用卡a small plastic card that can be used as a method of payment, the money being taken from you at a later time
E.g.: Would you prefer to pay by cash or credit card?
E.g.: Do they take credit cards at this shop?

my phone battery is always low-我的手机总是电量低

poison (n)毒药;a substance that causes death or harm if it is swallowed or absorbed into the body
E.g.: Some mushrooms contain a deadly poison.有些蘑菇含有致命毒素。

poisonous (adj)有毒的
E.g.: poisonous chemicals/plants有毒化学物质 / 植物
E.g. :This gas is highly poisonous.这种气体有剧毒。


account- [əˈkaʊnt]
