VIP Class Notes (Nemo)


Write a short story about Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster (灾难)


gibberish (n):胡言乱语,spoken or written words that have no meaning:
E.g.: I was so nervous, I just started talking gibberish.

fjord (n): 1-a long strip of sea between steep hills, found especially in Norway尤指挪威的)峡湾

downtown (adj): 1-in or to the central part of a city在市中心(的);朝市中心(的)
E.g.: downtown Los Angeles洛杉矶市中心
E.g.: I work downtown, but I live in the suburbs. 我在城里上班,但住在郊区。

nuclear energy核能

solar energy太阳能

wind energy-风能

nuclear fusion-核聚变;热核反应
the act or process of combining the nuclei (= central parts) of atoms to form a heavier nucleus , with energy being released

energy source-能源

nuclear (adj): 1-being or using the power produced when the nucleus of an atom is divided or joined to another nucleus核能的;使用核能的
E.g. : nuclear energy/power核能/核动力
E.g. : a nuclear power plant核电站
E.g. : the nuclear industry核工业

radioactivity (n): 1-the energy produced by atoms in this way放射线;辐射线;辐射能
E.g. : A dangerous amount of radioactivity was released into the environment last month.

radioactive (adj):having or producing the energy that comes from the breaking up of atoms具有放射性的;有辐射性的
E.g.: Uranium is a radioactive material.
E.g.: radioactive waste 放射性废料

contaminate (v): 1-to make something less pure or make it poisonous污染;弄脏;毒害
E.g.: Much of the coast has been contaminated by nuclear waste.

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant-切尔诺贝利核电站
documentary (n): 1-纪录片